For all feedback, including complaints, issues with the service, or positive experiences you wish to share, we encourage you to contact us.
GoHosting can be contacted on 1300 85 10 14 or via email [email protected] 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
You may also, contact us via post or fax:
ATT: GoHosting Pty Ltd
PO BOX 1470
Fyshwick ACT, 2609
Fax: +61 2 6100 2741
Complaint resolution
We will acknowledge your correspondence within 3 working days of its receipt, and will make all reasonable efforts to provide you with a response to your concerns within 7 working days. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. In the event that you remain unsatisfied with our proposed resolution, please let us know. We can discuss the matter further if necessary and/or advise you of third party resolution options that may be available to you depending on the circumstances.
Domain name complaints
Complaints about Australian domain names (.au)
If you would like to lodge a complaint regarding:
- a .au domain name registered through GoHosting
- the registrant or holding party of a .au domain name
- our actions as a .au domain registrar;
please send an email to [email protected] detailing your complaint.
GoHosting will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and will communicate to you at that time either our official response to your complaint, or further details of how we will be investigating your complaint. At this time we may also request additional information to allow us to and respond to the complaint.
GoHosting aims to respond to and resolve all complaints well within the auDA regulated 30 day time frame. If GoHosting believes that a response or resolution to your complaint will take longer than 30 days, we will let you know via email, phone call or support ticket and will explain the reasons for the delay. We will always endeavor to resolve all complaints as fast as possible.
Once GoHosting has investigated your complaint, we will return to you our official answer and statement on the issue, and any action we will be taking in relation to the issue.
GoHosting will also inform you of your right to request a re-evaluation of your complaint and our response.
If you are unhappy with the initial official response that you receive from GoHosting, we request that you reply back to GoHosting and clearly state the reasons why you are unhappy with the decision and what you would like to happen to resolve the complain for you. GoHosting will escalate and review our response and your request. We will then inform you if there will be any changes to our decision, and the reason for the changes if any, or will explain to you the reasons our decision on the matter stands.
You will also be informed at this time of your right to escalate your complaint to the .au Domain Administration (auDA).
If after a multiple reviews of GoHosting’s decision on the matter, you may choose to proceed to request auDA perform a review of that decision.
If the decision was to cancel the domain license in question, you will have 5 days to request a review of the decision. For other outcomes, you will be granted 28 days to request a review.
auDA will then continue to review your complaint under their official complaints handling policy and procedure.
For more information on the .au complaints process and policies, please also see the auDA website.
gTLD domain names
gTLD domain names (com/net/org/info/biz) are covered by ICANN’s Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy. Disputes alleged to arise from abusive registrations of domain names (for example, cybersquatting) may be addressed by expedited administrative proceedings that the holder of trademark rights initiates by filing a complaint with an approved dispute-resolution service provider.
All other domain names
Normally each registry has its own complaints handling policy.You can try to contact the registry direct or contact GoHosting and we can point you in the right direction.
If you are uncertain of where to direct your complaint, please contact GoHosting on any method above and we can direct your enquiry.